Lexy Piano Bar & Japanese Restaurant - Barbados
0.00 Reviews
Restaurant name
Lexy Piano Bar & Japanese Restaurant
2nd Saint H'town, Saint James, Barbados
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: closed
- Tuesday: 6pm until very late
- Wednesday: 6pm until very late
- Thursday: 6pm until very late
- Friday: 6pm until very late
- Saturday: 6pm until very late
- Sunday: 6pm until very late
E-mail address
Company description
Lexy Piano Bar & Japanese Restaurant
Lexy Piano Bar, Barbados, Holetown, piano bar, piano bar entertainers, sing along, night life, night club, late night, live music, dancing, live entertainment, cabaret, holiday, party, cocktails, rum, sandy lane, coral reef, mango bay, Barbados nightlife, Barbados piano bar, Barbados entertainment.
Lexy Piano Bar & Bistro
Lexy Piano Bar & Bistro, Barbados, Holetown, piano bar, piano bar entertainers, sing along, night life, night club, late night, live music, dancing, live entertainment, karaoke, holiday, party, cocktails, rum, sandy lane, coral reef, mango bay, Barbados nightlife, Dining, Bistro, Late night food, restaurant, Barbados piano bar, Barbados entertainment.
Lexy Piano Bar & Japanese Restaurant
Lexy Piano Bar, Barbados, Holetown, piano bar, piano bar entertainers, sing along, night life, night club, late night, live music, dancing, live entertainment, cabaret, holiday, party, cocktails, rum, sandy lane, coral reef, mango bay, Barbados nightlife, Barbados piano bar, Barbados entertainment.
Lexy Piano Bar & Bistro
Lexy Piano Bar & Bistro, Barbados, Holetown, piano bar, piano bar entertainers, sing along, night life, night club, late night, live music, dancing, live entertainment, karaoke, holiday, party, cocktails, rum, sandy lane, coral reef, mango bay, Barbados nightlife, Dining, Bistro, Late night food, restaurant, Barbados piano bar, Barbados entertainment.
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