MediRevu - Bridgetown, Barbados

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Saint Michael, Bridgetown, Barbados
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Stay on track with your health goals and get the support you need from your family and caregivers. Stay connected to your doctor and caregivers to receive personalized health advice remotely. With MediRevu, you can set up daily reminders for your diet, exercise, and tracking vitals. You can also record your activities and progress towards health goals in a convenient, digital journal. Share your treatment plans with your family, doctors, and caregivers to stay informed and encourage each other to live healthier. Never forget to take your medication or measure your glucose again! You can schedule repeating reminders for taking medication, tracking your diet, logging your exercise, and even measuring glucose and other vitals. Writing down everything you do will be a thing of the past. Just  
Show more update each activity reminder with your daily progress or status and they'll keep a timestamped log of what you did. You can also share your progress and treatment plans digitally with your doctor and caregivers via email or within the app. MediRevu is free for patients, doctors, and caregivers, and they will eventually introduce premium services. The platform focuses on improving doctor-patient communication and helping doctors to optimize the time they spend with patients who really require continuous care and oversight, particularly within the Caribbean and developing world.


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