B and B Distribution Limited - Barbados

2 Reviews
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B and B Distribution Limited
Newton Industrial Park, Christ Church, Barbados
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2 Reviews
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As Christmas quickly approaches and the trucks are appearing to be busy, why is that Banks Holdings have changed the routine AGAIN and businesses are left with word of mouth to be aware. Some businesses dont even know who their reps are and being left with empty chillers and days of trying to find drops to get drinks from other wholesalers. This is what Banks Holdings stand for? This is what they prefer? Then when you call you are not allowed to order you have to call your rep. Who is this? Because the number given is never answered. This service is poor to the max.
Today, B&B continues its drive to deliver quality service second-to-none.

I refer to the above and write to share my experience about the delivery of your products. My family and I have been in the retail business of selling “Coco Cola” products for over 60 years.

However, within recent time, your quality of service has fallen way below of what it once was.
- What has become of your marketing personnel?
- How can you market a product if you don’t go into the market place?
- How can you sit in an office and plan delivery routes for the drivers?
- Are you aware of the various challenges they face today with the delivery of products to every one (1) door and (2) door shop and mini mart in a particular district?
- Do you know how many shops and the location of each within a particular route?
- How can you sit in an office and make the above decisions the routes without first doing your homework?

The company needs to revisit its overall delivery routes, paying attention to the above issues, so as to ensure that the product reach the customers on that particular give day.

You need to respect the opinions of your drivers and allow them to share their experiences, you need to listen (to the foot soldiers) they know more about marketing that those with the required qualifications.

These are your experts, they have the skills, knowledge and the know how to drive those truck through rain and sun and traffic jams to deliver your products.

I have said enough. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to share my concerns.

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